What if we co-create a cleaner world?

Learn to co-lead whole-school, whole-district, or community-wide action on waste!

We train school district sustainability leaders, educators, students, and green teams to lead seriously fun action on waste with measurable results.


Measure a difference with us!


Action Research Challenges

Educators and green teams: Raise mindfulness and measure a difference together. Sign up to lead a team in a seriously fun 4-week action challenge or action research course. Earn professional learning credits (teachers) or community service hours (high school students).

Leadership Training

School staff and green teams: Learn to co-lead whole-school recycling. Sign up for a recycling leadership training workshop to get your team off the right start on the “5 Steps to Recycle Right”!

Customized Consulting

District sustainability and school leaders: are you struggling to achieve your whole-school / whole-district zero waste goals? We can help and connect you with seriously fun peers who have been there, done that!

Learn to lead a challenge!


Hi, I’m Beth.

I’ve worked with hundreds of custodians, teachers, students, parents, and community partners to catalyze waste reduction, food waste reduction, composting and recycling, litter prevention, and zero waste building design efforts in more than 100 traditional public schools and 30 public charter schools in the DC Metropolitan area.

Over the last 10 years I’ve learned recycling is easy, but leading change is hard. I founded Recycle Leaders LLC to provide YOU with the right support, because anyone can become an effective leader!